I'm so glad that this cute little family won the
Just Spotted Michelle Photography Give Away. Hobie and Sailor were adorable and super photogenic! I loved getting to know them and their mom Holly. This was a blast, and I am so excited how the portraits turned out. We were first aiming for just some great 1st baby portraits of Hobie, but we couldn't resist adding his beautiful big sister into the mix. She loved getting her portrait taken!
Here are some of my favs...
I LOVE this one of Hobie, his eyes are precious!

Sailor is a photographers dream... She is so photogenic and could go on posing for hours!
I have to give my assistant Kylie credit for this last portrait of Sailor... I just thought it was so cute! I love it!
Thank you Sailor and Hobie for being so fun to shoot! Hopefully we can get a great portrait of your whole family later this year!
They are gorgeous Michelle! How am I ever going to decide...Thanks again. Sailor is still talking about how much fun she had.
love these photos! what beautiful kids, and the parasol photos are my favorite!
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